LueKaleo INTRO

Nonprofit Wellness classes for clinics, rehab facilities, homeless shelters and anything in between.


The world can be a lot to process. Imagine trying to process and navigate your way through that while dealing with the physical injuries, health issues, mental and emotional traumas that comes from homelessness, substance/emotional/sexual abuse and/or recent incarceration. The tools for managing this kind of stress are not readily available. And I want to change that!

With the simplest of yoga poses, mindfulness practices and meditative breathing we can begin to heal the array of negative effects stress has on our bodies. So while we cannot completely eliminate stressful situations from our lives, we can learn to manage our reaction levels to stress and learn how to alleviate its’ dangerous effect on our health.

This Wellness class offers a chance to rediscover their body and its abilities, bring awareness and clarity to their mind and wholeness to their soul. Topics, including but not limited to, wise food choices, healthy sleeping patterns, daily exercise, and meditation will also be discussed. As we learn it, practice it and apply it, this class will be the catalyst to a Wellness Journey with tools that will serve them best as they continue to navigate through life.