Stress Management & Mindfulness Workshops

Our goal should not to be stress free. We simply cannot completely eliminate stressful situations from our lives. Examine the current state of THE world (outside your home) combined with the current state of YOUR world (inside your home.) Between politics, economy, racism, wars, climate change, pandemic, combined with your family/friend/romantic relationships, responsibilities, jobs tasks, deadlines, kids and what you watch on TV, theres bound to be an occurrence that triggers stress and anxiety. Our goal should be to manage our reaction levels to stress and learn how to alleviate its’ dangerous effect on our health. These workshops serves as an introduction to teach people that we can manage our reactions to stress and reduce its negative side effects on our health through small daily actions. I’ve taught Mindful Wellness classes for The New York Society Rescue Mission, The Covenant House Organization in NYC, and Hour Children event for formerly incarcerated mothers through Colgate/Palmolive. As a single mother performing artist who was trying to survive in NYC I know what stress can do to you mentally and physically. And as a Dance/Fitness instructor for 24 years and in the Wellness Community for 12 years I’m passionate about helping people be the best version of themselves. The tools for managing this kind of stress are not readily available. And I want to change that!


    We will discuss the meaning of Mindfulness: being aware in the present moment of our emotions, thoughts, feelings and/or bodily sensations, and how we can use it to manage stress. By being present and paying attention to our food intake, exercise regime, thought process, breathing and sleeping patterns and meditation practices, we can change how external stress effects us both mentally and physically. Not everyone has the luxury of spending hours per day devoted to self care. But by participating in my workshop, as listed below, you will only need 10 minutes per day to start your mindfulness journey of managing stress and reducing its negative effect on your health:

    As you learn it, practice it, and apply it, this 2 hour class will be the catalyst to your Wellness Journey.


  • Fundamentals is for the busy professional/career individual who is looking for ways to manage work responsibilities with home life and responsibilities with self love. Great for companies to offer to their employees in the wellness programing.

    Intro is a workshop that collaborates with a rehab facility or organization that serves the former incarcerated, homeless, addict that is in need of the find ing their way back to the most basic care of themselves in order to continue healing from their past traumas. They aren’t trying to juggle managing leadership team at their company plus home life. They are striving to connect to their breath and body movement and mental focus and clarity.

  • Fundamentals is 2 hours long.

    Intro is 1.5 hours long.

  • Yes it can, but its best if its held in an open clean space where participants can lay on the floor.

  • Yoga Mats and a sturdy chair are great. But can also be done with towels to lay one and a regular chair.

  • Mindfulness is a practice where you pay attention, observing and acknowledging your surroundings, emotional and mental state, in the present moment and without judgment. Being mindful is about finding mental clarity so that you can hear your body, your consciousness and your heart and respond accordingly. With mental clarity you are able to respond to things instead of reacting.

  • Setting the intention to be present and pay attention to what is happening within us and around us, without judgment and a lot of patience, helps to allow our brains to process in reality (real time), not in the unchangeable past or in the uncontrollable future. And then our actions during and after stressful moments become those that serves us versus what hurts us.